Joined Arm The Pit
February 19, 2014
Hometown: San Francisco, California
Genre: Metal
Record Label: Unsigned
Band Members
Victor-All instruments
Royal Torres
About Us

Sycamore3 is an avant-garde/extreme metal project currently located in San Francisco. The project was founded by vocalist and sole original member Hercolubus and started as a black metal band in Puerto Rico back in 1995. After many line up changes and internal conflicts within the band, Hercolubus decided to put Sycamore3 to rest. In 2006, Hercolubus relocated to San Francisco where the creative spark ignited a newfound era in Sycamore s life cycle, and the new incarnation began with the launch of the self-tilted Sycamore3 2012 promo. In the beginning of 2013, Sycamore3 went back to the studio and recorded the "Enemy of the Sun" EP. At this time Hercolubus seek the help of long time friend and musician Rick Hernandez (Rick Hernandez is a Sound Designer, Audio Editor and Musician in the Los Angeles area and originally from Mayaguez, PR. He has a B.A. in Professional Music and Music Production and Engineering from Berklee College of Music. Over the past 10 yeas he has worked on numerous Video Game titles and Feature Films) to collaborate whit him, and together develop the blueprints for the new Sycamore3 sound. But it wasn't long before longtime friend and multi-instrumentalist Victor M. Rodriguez from the progressive/ambient/darkjazz project known as Elixir of Opium, joined in April of 2013 bringing a new dimension to Sycamore s sound. The result was the music for the first Sycamore3 full-length CD "Nihil", to be released in the beginning of 2014.

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